Downloading giant 4K videos in just minutes will soon become a reality.

If you own a smartphone, you have probably noticed the small letters towards the top of your screen that spell out either 3G or 4G. The alphanumeric combination indicates what generation wireless technology your device currently uses. According to Techworld, when 3G first appeared, it was "a breakthrough in communications," enabling users to reap the benefits of faster connection to the internet, as well as global roaming. Over time, 3G became its bigger and better self with the advent of 4G, and it's only a matter of time before the evolution of Fifth Generation Wireless Technology (5G). So what is 5G ? Let's take a look.
5G will be the replacement for the latest 4G LTE, which is used for wireless mobile networks. 5G will enable super fast wireless roaming, nearly eliminating the need for cables. In addition to 5G serving as an internet provider to households, it's incredible speed will serve the era of driverless cars tremendously, as well as virtual reality.
So just how fast can 5G go? According to PCMag, Samsung's 5G routers can run at 4 gigabits per second (or 500 megabytes!) That means that you could download 100 GB 4K movies in just a few minutes. 5G's incredible roaming capabilities would enable it to run hundreds of laps around the current average internet speed: just 6.5 megabytes per second as of 2016 in the U.S. That's not even a fraction of what 5G has in store.
What 5G Means For You
You could download 100 GB 4K movies in just a few minutes.
To really understand the power of 5G, we need to get down to the science of it. 5G wireless networks will be set to function at a high frequency known as the millimeter wave spectrum (between 30 GHz and 300 GHz). These millimeter waves will serve as a medium for rapid data transfer. However, because of how tiny these waves are, the information being sent via 5G will not be able to traverse very long distances, and may have difficulties penetrating buildings, walls, and other objects. Additionally, the integration of 5G means that you'll need to acquire a new mobile device, and you will probably have to pay exceedingly more than you already do for internet service
So when can you expect to get a hold of 5G? Some areas across the US have already begun to implement 5G, and currently, Verizon and AT&T appear to be the biggest talkers of this wireless tech. Recently at the Mobile World Congress, Verizon announced that it would be commencing free 5G trials, and AT&T will be conducting further testing of the technology. Though these internet service giants are starting to gather a global audience over 5G, it will realistically only be in the hands of consumers by 2020.